Display Time Format as Hours, Minutes and Seconds

 hHour is displayed as a number, as one digit or as two digit. 0-23
hhHour is displayed as a number, as two digit, with a leading zero where applicable. 00-23
[h] or [hh] Elapsed time in hours is displayed. Format code "[h]:mm:ss" displays elapsed time in hours, minutes & seconds. Ex. Code "[h]:mm:ss" will display as =>37:18:32
mMinute is displayed as a number, as one digit or as two digit. Note that the "m" code is also used for displaying month. To use this code as minute(s), it should appear immediately after the h or hh code or immediately before the s or ss code, such as "m:ss". 0-59
mmMinute is displayed as a number, as two digit, with a leading zero where applicable. Note that the "mm" code is also used for displaying month. To use this code as minute(s), it should appear immediately after the h or hh code or immediately before the s or ss code, such as "h:mm". 00-59
[m] or [mm] Elapsed time in minutes is displayed. Format code "[mm]:ss" displays elapsed time in minutes & seconds. Ex. Code "[mm]:ss" will display as =>64:48
sSecond is displayed as a number, as one digit or as two digit. Fractions of a second can be displayed by a format like "h:m:s.00". 0-59
ssSecond is displayed as a number, as two digit, with a leading zero where applicable. Fractions of a second can be displayed by a format like "h:m:ss.00". 00-59
[s] or [ss] Elapsed time in seconds is displayed. Format code "[ss].00" displays elapsed time in seconds and its fraction(s).  Ex. Code "[ss].00" will display as =>1036.80
AM/PM, am/pm, A/P, a/p If these codes are included in the format, the hour is displayed using a 12-hour clock, else the hour is based on the 24-hour format. Display will include AM, am, A or a for a time before noon, and PM, pm, P or p for a time 'from' and 'after' noon. Ex. Code "hh:mm:ss AM/PM" will display as =>01:27:50 AM       

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